4 Tricks That Will Help You Clean Your Patios Glass Railings

If you have glass railing on your patio, you know that they can make your patio stand out and look great. They look their best, however, when they are clean. When you clean your glass railings, you want to use distilled water and add some lemon to your cleaning solution. Newspaper is magically for cleaning your railings, and bird droppings should always be dealt with in a timely manner.

Use Filtered or Distilled Water

If you have hard water at your home, you are going to want to avoid using the water that comes out of your garden faucet. Hard water has minerals in it that can scratch your glass railing when you use hard water to clean with.

When you clean your glass railings, you are going to want to use either filtered or distilled water. Both filtered and distilled water should lack any minerals that will scratch your glass railings. If you filter the water inside of your house, you can bring water from inside outside to clean with. If you don't filter your water, you can purchase gallons of distilled and filtered water from the store for cleaning your glass railings.

Add Some Lemon to Your Soap

You can use dishwasher soap to wash your glass railings with. However, if you add a few spoonful of lemon juice to the dish soap solution, you'll be able to get an even deeper clean. You don't have to squeeze juice out of fresh lemons, you can use some of the lemon juice concentrate that you can purchase from the produce section of your local grocery store. The lemon will help remove any tough stains that may develop on your glass railings over time. Additionally, it will leave behind a nice smell!

Use Newspaper to Clean Your Glass Railing

After you scrub and clean your railings with distilled or filtered water and a dishwasher soap with lemon solution, you are going to need to dry your glass. Instead of using a towel or cloth, use some newspaper to clean and dry off your glass. Newspaper doesn't have any lint in it, and can help give you a streak-free clean. It is best to use newspaper with limited colored ink to ensure that the ink doesn't transfer onto your glass.

Clean Bird Droppings Right Away

Finally, if you ever spot bird droppings on your glass patio, spend some time to clean those off right away. Bird droppings can be the hardest to get rid of once they dry up on your glass railings. The sediment in the droppings can scratch your glass, so always try to use water to dissolve the bird droppings as much as possible and avoid scrubbing them away harshly.

Follow the suggestions above to ensure that your glass railings look great this year! 
