Car windows do not come standard with tinting. On some vehicles, there may be slight tinting at the top of the front windshield as a means of cutting the sunlight from your eyes while driving, but that is all. If you want window tinting on your vehicle, here are some suggestions on how to go about it.
Buy a New Car Via Special Order
If you are going to buy a new car anyway, spend time online or with a dealer making a special order. This can be done when the dealerships do not have any vehicles on their lot matching your ideal, including cars with tinted windows. Then the dealer will sit down with you (or you can do this from home by yourself for some higher end vehicles) and enter all of the information you want for the vehicle's special features that you want. The manufacturer then makes your vehicle from scratch, making sure to include the car window tinting before installing any windows on your special order vehicle.
Purchase a Car and Then Request a Change-out of Windows
You could also purchase a vehicle that is already on the dealer's lot, but will need a change-out of the windows after the fact. You can make this a requirement of sale. The dealership has to send the vehicle to a special manufacturer's location to have the current windows removed and replaced with tinted windows. The car is returned to the dealer's lot, where you make a payment and pick up the vehicle.
Tint the Windows Yourself
There are various products on auto supply store shelves that will allow you to tint windows yourself. These options are very temporary, so you may have to repeat the processes if you either peel or scratch the tint applications. There are also vinyl adhesive "tints" you can apply and then remove at any time. None of these are permanent. Ergo, you can use them to try out window tinting if you are on the fence about having it permanently done, or you can just test it out to see what it would be like to tint all of the vehicle's windows permanently.
Have a Specialty Glass Company Tint the Windows
Specialty glass companies that do window tinting, like Utah Window Tinting, can apply a more permanent film to your vehicle's windows. They use a spray-on method that is permanent once dry. Drop your vehicle off one day, pick it up the next, and voila! tinted windows.